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Property Rights ExplainedThe income tax under Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code is an indirect excise tax, as the Supreme Court pointed13 out repeatedly. See Section 4 later and Great IRS Hoax, Form #11.302, Section 5.1.2 for details. The “subject of” all14 indirect excise taxes are voluntary “taxable activities” that are privileged and in many cases licensed. The tax may only15 be instituted by the agency or government entity that issues the license or bestows the privilege to the person who16 volunteers to be the “licensee”, and the tax is only enforceable within the legislative jurisdiction of the taxing entity. The17 “privileged activity” in this case of the federal income tax under Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code is that of18 holding “public office” in the U.S. Government. A “public office” is therefore the only excise taxable activity that a19 biological person can involve themselves in that will make them the subject of the municipal donation program for the20 District of Columbia called the Internal Revenue Code, Subtitles A through C. Reference Link: |
Arizona Administrative CodeDepartment of Revenue - Property Tax Reference Link: |
Determination of Primary ResidenceResidential Property includes owner occupied real property and improvements to the property and owner occupied mobile homes that are used as the owner’s primary residence and classified as class three property pursuant to A.R.S. 42-12003. (See also A.R.S. 15-972(K)(2)). Reference Link: |
Assessment Procedures ManualThe link below is to an alphabetical list of all publications in the Assessment Procedures Library, including brief descriptions of each. A separate list of these publications by property type and class is available here. Prior versions of each publication may be available. For availability, contact the Department Property Tax Unit at Reference Link: |